Its been a busy week here in Virginia. On Tuesday we got about 4 inches of snow. Thats a lot for here. School was closed on Tuesday & started an hour late on Wednesday. Now, being from northern Indiana, 4 inches of snow isn't that much to me. However, when none of the roads go in a straight line here & you're mostly going up/down hills and around curves, it does make a difference. Not to mention the fact that since it doesn't snow much here, no one knows how to drive it in. I usually stay home in this situation as I don't want to risk it. Lily got to play in the snow at preschool on Tuesday. She was thrilled to make snow angels and eat "ice cream" (snow). I'll have to add the photo next week...I downloaded it wrong. OOPS
On Wednesday, Lily attended Stefen's 5th birthday party. Stefen is the son of Miss Sara, Lily's preschool teacher. They had a blast running around & playing. Here are a few photos:
Playing with Vivi
Checking out Stefen's presentsLooking cute!