Friday, March 6, 2009

A month, really?

Apparenty its been a whole month since I posted anything. Doesn't seem that long. Not a lot going on here in VA. We got snow again last Sunday evening. Total snowfall around 5-6 inches. Thats a lot for here. No school Monday morning and a 2-hour delay on Tuesday. Today it got into the 60s and most of the snow is gone.

Lily had speech today. She is really coming along well. She has mastered the "s" very well and can now say "Up in the sky" instead of "Up in the ky". I'm so proud. Still needs help with "n" and "l", but that will come in due time. We practice and read at home and that helps.

She is totally into Candy Land. It was a birthday gift from her friends. Every day we play. Sometimes I give her the good cards to get her closer to the end so we can quit. I probably shouldn't, but it takes a long time to play CL according to the rules.

I told Lily today we were going to go on an airplane and visit her Aunt Heather. She sounded excited. I hope it goes well. This will be her first plane ride. I'm really looking forward to seeing my sister and her kids. I have only seen photos of Neil, so I'll get to hold & cuddle him. Good times!


  1. When Eliza was 3 she liked Chutes and Ladders a lot. Whenever Dave played with her and the game took too long, he cheated, and told me I should, too! So don't feel bad about fudging CL.

    Adele would say "Up in the shy"--she doesn't say 'sk' sounds.

  2. Regina, it was so very nice to meet you, your daughter is beautiful....hope to see you agin soon! *~*

  3. What I did was take out a lot of the single colored Candyland cards so that there was a greater chance of getting a double colored card.
