Friday, January 16, 2009

Three a.m.

No, its not the name of a band or a line from a song. Its the time I was awakened this morning. I didn't hear the normal "mommmmy", but a rather shrill scream that was like something out of a horror movie. I knew the problem the minute I opened the door. There is no mistaking the smell of vomit. Yes, she threw up. It scares her as she was crying and shaking. My poor baby! I yelled for Jeff and we commenced the clean up. We changed diapers and jammies, then put Lily in my bed while we finished. I'm so glad Jeff was helping...I tend to get sick myself when cleaning up this particular kind of mess. I'll gladly change poopy diapers everyday, but keep the puke away from me. She seems to be feeling fine this morning.


  1. Blech!!! I agree....puke and I are not friends. Jim takes over if there's any clean-up involved.

  2. 24 hour flu--we had it here last weekend. Ick.
